Drugs and Spirituality

by Lucy on November 29, 2011

 My sister, may she find the peace she so desperately sought, was a beautiful but troubled soul. She searched for truth, yet had no focus. She had intense passion, but no direction. She would either be indulging in the pleasures of the physical senses, or deny herself a piece of fruit because it had not “let go of the source of its existence.” (It hadn’t dropped naturally from the tree).

 My sister came into the world as a seeker. She followed the teachings of Ram Dass and met him long before he became well known. For her, the spirit realm was comfortable and natural. It was the physical world of duality that perplexed her and kept her imbalanced throughout life.

She lived her entire life experiencing the two extremes of whatever crossed her path. If in her early years she was vegetarian, later she felt compelled to be a meat eater. She hated being around smokers, but when she herself  became a smoker, her dharma was giving others an opportunity to learn tolerance.

Unfortunately, her approach to seeking the answers to life continually fell short of her high expectations of the realization and recognition of the God Source in every one of us. She was unable to assimilate the seemingly two worlds as one. As her process unfolded, in order to distract herself from the frustrating, unsolvable (to her) dilemma, she began to use methamphetamines and cocaine.

I use my sister as an example because many people assume that if you are inclined to follow a spiritual path, then you would not do drugs. Or if you do drugs, you are not spiritual. We are not here to judge one another.
Many of our most sensitive and enlightened resources, perhaps you who are reading this, feel that in order to cope in the world, there needs to be a layer of protection; a buffer that will absorb some of the negativity and pain that appears to be an inevitable part of this reality. Drugs work, at first.

Here’s the problem with that. Our evolution depends on visionaries and sensitive humans to guide us to a new level of consciousness. Drugs keep us insular, walled in our own protected reality. I get it. The world can be goddam scary and terribly cruel. But things must change, we all have to change. The problem with drugs is that they keep people locked into their own personal condition. The change that is to take place cannot be achieved (at least on our terms) if we continue to separate ourselves from other kindred souls, from each other and from the Source of Life..

So, what to do? When my sister arrived at my house, she had to be carried into the living room where a hospital bed awaited her. Her drug use was so habitual and long term that her body had begun to breakdown. She was in extreme pain and unable to move. I was dumbfounded. Could a human being actually sabotage themselves to the point of obliteration? The answer was lying immobile in front of me.

My first response was to find out how I could help her reverse the damage that she caused. I scoured book stores, the Internet, talked to health practitioners; I didn’t care where the source came from. Her pain was now mine and I was frantic to turn things around.

Two things. First, we cannot feel responsible for another person’s previous choices, regardless of how much we love them. If free will is imbedded in our consciousness, who am I to step on anyone’s right? Second, if you are on the path to self destruction, please stop. Today if possible. Before you have reached the point of no return, please stop and listen. That kernel of hope you have buried deep inside is still alive. Change is possible.

You are not a bad person if you have tried drugs or are currently addicted to a drug. Often we find ourselves in a painful situation or believe there is no hope, and turn to drugs to escape or alleviate the misery. Unfortunately, after the situation passes and we are ready to move on…uh-oh, we are faced with a new and sometimes worse problem than why we started using; ADDICTION!

I am not going to get into every reason, scenario, or excuse, sometimes justifiable, as to why someone feels they need to use drugs. It doesn’t matter. What matters is that you recognize that you are tired of being controlled by an external substance, and that you are ready to deal with the world as it is, and hopefully contribute to its future evolution. It’s a big decision. You are not alone. I hope the following information will help get you started on your road to healing.
In researching how to reverse the damage drugs had done to my sister’s body, I learned many things. Unfortunately, I did not gather all the necessary information in time for her. But for anyone who is interested, I have compiled a list of vitamins and minerals that target the specific molecules, cells and neurotransmitters that are necessary in order for you to move away from dependence to wholeness.

I feel confidant that these supplements work. In the two months that my sister was with me, she began to gain weight and was able to sit up and stand for extended periods of time. For reasons too complicated to explain, she decided to return to San Diego. Because she stopped the healing process, three months later her body succumbed to the chemical imbalance and shut down. The most horrible aspect of witnessing her demise was that her mind was functional (though confined to her personal reality), yet she was imprisoned in a body that she was unable to have any control over. She allowed a man-made drug to have power over her body and mind, her sacred temple, because she turned her back on the Power in which she so intensely craved to be a part of. She allowed ego to rule her world, and as a result, lost her way.
Following is a list of nutrients and their specific target areas. I have compiled this information from many sources which I will list below. Because I had a small window of time, I focused on remedies that would be most effective in the shortest period of time. My intention is to get you or your loved one started right away on the road to recovery.

The main thing to be aware of and accept is that you are not going to get the same high from these amino acids, vitamins, etc. You have to understand that these will help repair the damage that has occurred to the cells and will begin the process of enabling the healing to begin. Trust yourself that you will not only be able to function as well as you believe you do when on your preferred drug, I propose that you will function better because you can now be in charge of creating new neuro-pathways (if you choose), and a new life.

It was once believed that when brain cells died they could never be replaced. That has been proven wrong. Researchers have discovered that the brain has what is called ‘neuroplasticity’. The obvious inference is that it is pliable and flexible, not rigid and unchangeable.

You do not have to be stuck anymore

GABA  (Gamma-amino butyric acid) an inhibitory neurotransmitter involved in calming brain functions. Stabilizes nerve cells by decreasing their tendency to fire erratically or excessively. 250 to 1,500 mg. daily

B vitamins Helps the brain synthesize neurotransmitters that affect mood and thinking. A multiple B vitamin daily. Minimum 400 mcg of folate, 2,500 mcg of B12 a day, and 250 mg B6 a day.

EFA’s (Essential fatty acids) (600 mg a day) Really important to help repair the myelin (the white fatty covering on the axons of nerve cells that speed the conduction of electrical impulses, essential for the well-being of the nervous system). DHA-Omega-3 fatty acids are critical. They also help with anxiety and depression.

Think about nerves in this way… Let’s assume we all understand the basic concept of electricity. The electric panel installed at your home is the main source of power. Each breaker inside is assigned a particular location or appliance. The wires from the breakers go to the dryer, washing machine or dishwasher; some go to the outlets, and others to the lights, etc. Plastic coating on the wire is necessary to confine the electricity that is traveling from the breaker to the switch or plug. If there is a crack in part of the coating or the plastic is worn out in between the breaker and the intended receptacle, electricity is dispersed  and there is not enough ‘juice’ to run the appliance or turn on the light.

The electric panel is akin to your spine, the breakers are the vertebras, and the wires are the nerves going to your arms, legs, hands, etc. Myelin to nerves is like the plastic coating on the wires.

Long term use of methamphetamines, cocaine, speed. too much caffeine, and stress, wears out the myelin. This can result in electrical impulses being scattered and dispersed. Functionality of fine motor skills begins to diminish and as a result you begin to lose the ability to walk with balance or grab on to items with your hands. Repairing nerves takes time, be patient. Start today.

Lipoic acid (300 mg) plus acetyl-L-carnitine (1,000mg twice a day) is also often helpful for nerve pain.

Vitamin C 5000mg daily with bioflavs and rutin helps rebuild nerve connective tissue.

Water  Drink, drink, and drink some more. Have with fresh squeezed lemon juice. Add packets of Emergen-C. Whatever you have to do to get it down, start flushing out your system.

A word of caution: water always tries to seek its balance, not only physically but on a molecular level. In a swimming pool, if there is not enough calcium in the water, the water will actually begin pulling calcium from the plaster. This creates etching (rough surface) and weakens the plaster.

Many people live in an area that has hard water and often buy a soft water system which helps keep the hard water spots away. Most of these units use salt as a softening agent, which of course is undrinkable. To remedy this, a reverse osmosis (RO) system is installed. This system squeezes out the salt in order to make it drinkable, but it also removes all the minerals. (Nearly three gallons of water is wasted in order to make one gallon of drinking water.)

Now here’s the problem. If an RO system has removed the calcium from the water, where do you think it’s going to find it once you drink it? If you answered your bones, you are correct. Water is not passive, though it may appear to ‘go with the flow’. (As water ‘gently’ flows down the Colorado River for instance, it is drawing minerals out of the river rock). Be careful, and if you drink from a RO unit, take supplemental vitamins and minerals which are easily found at any drug store or health food store.

Exercise  Move your body somehow. Your adrenal glands are not apart of the circulatory system. They need to be activated by either exercise, massage, or hot/cold water treatment. Use some form of weight resistance to build muscle. Get your ass up off the couch! Start today.

Detoxification  I’ll cut to the chase on this one. Pick up Linda Page’s Healthy Healing. www.healthyhealing.com    There is much helpful information, not only for detox but many other areas of natural healing. Plus her story is quite inspirational.

There are many, many resources out there, and that was the problem. I found myself sifting through tons of material that I almost became stuck. I could not figure out what I should do. I finally narrowed it down to the above essentials that I saw actually had an effect on my sis.

This list is intended to get you or your loved one started. I am sure there are many other remedies I have not included. Every person is different and will ultimately need to find their own path to return to health and purpose. The main thing is to start today. Be patient with yourself.

Prepare your mind. Accept the fact that you will go through changes. Keep a diary of the your sensations so that everyday you can watch your progress. Remember that you did not become addicted overnight; unravel the binds that restrict, one thread at a time. Love yourself. Start today.

Live Purposefully,


A new moon teaches gradualness
and deliberation and how one gives birth
to oneself slowly. Patience with small details
makes perfect a large work, like the universe.
What nine months of attention does for an embryo
forty early mornings will do
for your gradually growing wholeness.
                       (translated by Coleman Barks)

1- Making a Good Brain Great- Dr. Amen  www.AmenClinics.com
2-You Being Beautiful- Dr. Roizen, M.D. and Dr. Oz, M.D.  www.realage.com


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Rosemary Lohman May 10, 2012 at 4:54 am

Such a beautiful message. It shows the love you had for your sister, and strong determination to fight against drugs.


Lucy May 28, 2012 at 6:47 am

Thanks Rosemary. Weren’t times simpler back then? We were family, our entire block. Who knew drugs were going to take over our society? There was so much potential! We all must speak out against the pharmaceutical companies and the meth labs, both of which are destroying humans for profit. Life is too short. Let’s try to send a message of hope and support. Love, Lucy


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